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Primary Academy

Parent Zone

Corby Primary Academy will promote high-quality learning as an entitlement for all pupils and will ensure they reach their full potential, with no limit to what they can achieve.

We are committed to the highest of standards. We expect excellent levels of achievement in all areas of academic and personal development and behaviour.

For the Academy to run efficiently and for children to gain the most out of the education offered, a high standard of discipline will be expected at all times. Anti-social or disruptive behaviour will be dealt with promptly and consequences imposed. Parents will also be involved as quickly as possible, so that home and the Academy can work in partnership to solve any problems which may arise.

We are proud of the high standards of discipline we set and achieve. All pupils will be encouraged to develop an enquiring mind, a sense of purpose and a determination to work hard. At the centre of the Academy’s code of conduct will be respect, responsibility and resilience. 

Our pupils will develop respect for themselves, each other and our academy and will be encouraged to take responsibility for their words and actions so that they can make a full contribution to their learning and to the community. Our pupils will be supported to become resilient learners who learn from their mistakes and have a positive attitude towards setbacks and challenges. 

We want our pupils to be proud to belong to Corby Primary Academy and to be proud of their achievements. Whatever our pupils’ backgrounds, we want them to be in the best possible position to move on successfully to the next stage of their education beyond the Academy.

Click here to read the current and previous class newsletters.

By following the links below, you can find much of the information relevant to you as a parent at Corby Primary Academy and links to websites we use at school.

Parent Pay - to make payments to school for trips, visits and to order school meals
Medical Form - for pupil medicines that need to be administered in school  

Please complete the medical form if you would like us to administer medication prescribed by your child’s doctor.  One form to be completed for each medication and only prescribed medication needing to be taken four times or more a day can be administered in school.  The school will only administer one dose during the school day.

The only exception to this will be where a child is in both breakfast and after school club in which case we will administer (once) if prescribed to be given 3 times or more per day.

 Administration of Long Term Medicines 

Please complete this form if your child needs to take medication during the day for long term medical conditions e.g. asthma, diabetes, epilepsy, allergy, etc.

Cool Milk

If your child is aged 5 and over and does not qualify for free school milk, you can register and pay for your child to receive milk in school. Please click the link below, it will take you to the Cool Milk Website.

Health Protection Advice