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Primary Academy

Pupil Zone

These are some of the regularly used applications and websites that we use to support learning across the academy. Follow the links below to access them.

Please speak to your class teacher if you don't know your login details for any of these websites.

Airhead Launchpad

Quickly access all your shortcuts, including your email and Office 365 apps.

Tackling Tables

A brilliant way to learn times tables and division!

Times Tables Rock Stars

Being as quick as possible, work your way up the Rock Star leader board, and become a ROCK HERO!

Class Dojo

Used primarily as a communication tool between teachers and parents, pupils can also upload work to their own portfolio to share with the class.

Read Theory

Used within Key Stage 2 to support pupils' reading comprehension

Microsoft Teams

Each pupil is part of their Class Team, which allows for effective communication, file sharing, assignment setting and much, much more!


Join a Kahoot quiz, hosted by your teacher, or why not create your own!