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Site Safety on Tuesday 12th

Due to the expected ice in the car park and surrounding footpaths we are requesting that where at all possible only staff  use the car park and that parents and carers, for the safety of the children, try not to come by car or use the car park. We will of course have access for those who need to use the Blue Badge spaces. 

We are open tomorrow, however due to the significant drop in temperature overnight we are expecting the school site and paths approaching the school to be very icy and slippery.  The car park is not clear of snow, despite the best efforts today of Mr Pheely and Mr Turner,  and therefore we are requesting that where at all possible only staff  use the car park and that parents and carers, for the safety of the children, try not to come by car or use the car park as it will be slippery. We will of course have access for those who need to use the Blue Badge spaces. 


We want everyone to have a safe journey to school so will have the registers open for much longer than normal so children will not be recorded as late tomorrow.


We look forward to seeing everyone back at school tomorrow, but most importantly please have a safe journey.